How to increase the thickness of the penis: increase the thickness of the penis

Often psychological complexes, problems in sexual and personal life, low self-esteem and self-doubt are the result of penis size.

According to a sociological study, more than 50% of men are dissatisfied with the diameter of their penis.

As a rule, they are right, if a woman does not pay much attention to the length of the penis, then she will definitely pay attention to its thickness. Often, the partner's dissatisfaction in bed is due to the fact that the penis is too thin.

Genital massage

Prostate massage to increase the thickness of the penis

The most common and simplest way to enlarge the penis is massage. Penis enlargement is based on the most ancient techniques that have survived to this day.

Many medical experts claim that such techniques not only produce remarkable results but also help to preserve the results forever. An important advantage is that the massage can be done at home.

There are many massage techniques and techniques that lead to the desired results, have no side effects, no contraindications, and at the same time help to strengthen male functions.

As a rule, when exercises are done with an erection, penis growth occurs faster. However, it should be noted that it must be done very carefully and carefully so as not to cause harm.

Exercise to increase thickness:

  • Warming of the phallus will give it more elasticity.
  • After that, the penis is lubricated.
  • Get an erection by squeezing and stroking the penis.
  • When it reaches 100%, one side squeezes the base of the penis and the other pulls the head, it is enough to hold for 1 minute.
  • Rest for a minute at the end of the time, repeat 5 times at intervals.

For beginners, it is better to start training with a light load and gradually increase the intensity. If pain occurs, you should reduce the pressure on the penis.

As a result of maintaining the blood flow in the penis, such a simple exercise expands the cavernous bodies, and as a result, the penis expands.

You can find various pictures, videos and reviews of this technique on the Internet. Many men testify that the method gives significant and high results at home, but it is not worth just standing on one workout.

Most of the men completed this exercise with a special tool consisting of natural and strong components.

Penis enlargement gel is applied to the penis 2 times a day, preferably in the morning after exercise and in the evening after exercise. With regular exercise and a combination of gels, you can achieve the following results:

  1. There is an increase in the length and thickness of the penis.
  2. The harder it is to swim, the faster the erection is achieved.
  3. The duration of sexual intercourse increases.

As the bride does not contain toxic and dangerous substances for the body, you should not be afraid of side effects and adverse effects on the body.

Clitoral balls for male dignity

balls to increase the thickness of the penis

In recent years, the use of clitoral balls for penis enlargement has become the most popular.

The procedure is reasonable and safe, and most importantly, allows the woman to give an incredible pleasure.

Insertion of balls under the skin is a very safe procedure, the risk of complications is practically zero.

With the introduction of balls, there is a local increase in male dignity in thickness, which is no less important for the partner.

Important information about working with the ball:

  • The procedure is performed in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia.
  • Duration not more than 20 minutes.
  • The doctor makes incisions 0. 5 cm wide.
  • The number of cuts depends on the number of balls inserted.
  • After healing, no scars remain, usually disappearing in the natural folds of the skin of the penis.

After the procedure, the incisions are made with a special absorbent material, ie the removal of seams is not required. It should be noted that although the procedure is very fast and safe, you should avoid close contact for 3 weeks after that.

The number of balls is always determined by the man; the physician should only distribute them properly, taking into account the wishes of the patients. On average, the optimal number of balls is 3-8.

The advantages of using clitoral balls are:

  1. The presence of balls will not affect the erection in any way, will not affect reproductive and urinary function.
  2. Increase in the thickness of the phallus.
  3. Safety and efficiency.
  4. Additional stimulation for the partner during sexual intercourse.

Of all the penis enlargement interventions, it should be noted that this is the only harmless method and can be reversed.

That is, if a man wants to get rid of the balls, regardless of the reason, it is very easy to remove the implant.

Binding technique

Clamping is a natural penis enlargement (NPL) technique. The essence of the training is to squeeze the penis with a clamp and thus keep the blood from swelling for some time.

It is important to know that this technique is only intended for men who have been applying different methods and practices to penis enlargement at home for a long time. For starters, this method is very aggressive and can lead to serious complications.

The advantages of this technique for penis enlargement are:

  • Enlargement of the length and thickness of the penis.
  • The penis will be larger both at rest and in an erect position.

A clamp is required for training, and as a rule, men use car or locksmith clamps for this purpose. You need to start with a clamp, gradually increasing the number.

Techniques for men who have been engaged in penis stretching for a long time:

  1. The member must be in a straight position.
  2. At the bottom, wrap with an elastic bandage (length 30 cm and width 2-3 cm), not too tight, but felt.
  3. Tie with some kind of lace (knot above), the lace should stretch.
  4. Massage the penis up to 80% of the erection, making the lace tighter and as close to the body as possible.
  5. Without loosening the tension, wrap it with a lace, tie another knot at the bottom, then two more knots - on the right and left.
  6. Tighten the clamp.

The first training with this technique should not take more than a few minutes. Time should be gradually increased. You can walk for 10 minutes only after 2 weeks of daily training.

When the penis is closed with a clamp and held for a certain period of time, it is called passive compression, but in some cases this technique is added to the wet gel.

Extender and special cream

expander to increase the thickness of the penis

There is an opinion that an orthopedic device only helps to increase the length of the penis. In fact, this statement is not true. After all, if an organ grows in length, its width will increase.

The main advantage of such a device is that it can be used at home, without a doctor's prescription.

A visual change in thickness can only be seen after a few weeks of use.

However, in order to achieve such an effect, it is recommended to wear the device daily, as a result of which the body naturally thickens.

The rules of use are very simple:

  • Edit the item in the device.
  • Adjust the tension with the screw mechanism.
  • Increase traction every 10 days.

The essence of the mechanism is that when worn, the cells elongate, and as the number increases, the organ grows. After the enlargement, a penis enlargement cream should be applied to the penis.

As it has an external effect, the cream has an internal effect, penetrates the cellular level and accelerates cell division.

In summary, the best results are always achieved through a combination of different tools and practices aimed at penis enlargement.

However, since everyone decides for himself, which method to choose, which sex will suit the stronger sex and his partner is determined individually.